HumanSpirit Radio Network

What is HumanSpirit Radio?

Human Spirit Radio Network produced hundreds of live broadcasts hosting a variety authors, teachers and healers from April 2010 to March 2015. Sarah McCroskey also hosted monthly broadcasts and interviews on News for the Soul Network from March 2018 to September 2019 and hosted Pioneers of the New Earth on bbs radio in 2020. Enjoy a deep dive into our archives HERE.

HumanSpirit Radio (HSR) is an energetic broadcast and conversation to ignite and inspire Who We Are as evolutionary beings on an unstoppable path of self-discovery and awakening.


HSR is an exploration.  What does it take to anchor our Spirit, our Soul, our own Higher Self/I AM presence into our body and become the living future, now – HumanSpirit?

You will be encouraged to BE YOU – with a full heart and no apologies. And then to express your unique gifts into the world.

This broadcast will enhance your clarity and wisdom in SEVEN key areas:

  • PARAMETERS of The Shift – Where we’re going and why?

  • HEALTH AND WELLNESS – How does the body communicate? What is it saying?  AND how do we stay CLEAR, CURRENT AND BALANCED?

  • DRAWING DISTINCTIONS – What’s the difference between 3D and higher dimensions? How do I handle permeability? How do I move beyond polarity? Tools for tracking and choosing how you will experience change and transition.

  • HARNESSING TOOLS founded in the Science of Energy. What is vibrational coherence? (hint: the REAL law of attraction)? What is the observer affect (hint: the scientific principle that proves – how we perceive something LITERALLY creates and changes manifest reality)

  • ON-THE-AIR ENERGY CLEARINGS  Individual, Group and Collective – to release fear-based identifications, internalized conditioning, beliefs and patterns which NO LONGER SERVE

  • TRANSFORMATIONAL CONVERSATIONS with authors, leaders and wisdom teachers who have dedicated their lives to soul-level living, freedom and empowering others in living the path of love/authentic being

  • EXERCISES AND PRACTICES to maintain inner authority, energetic sovereignty and to develop unconditional self-love


WE WILL CREATE WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY through Sharing/Laughter and Participation. Each experiencing, beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt, the reality of:  “Lift Your Frequency…Change Your World”


As we anchor our soul force into our being we are gifted with the wisdom and insights needed to negotiate these changing times. 


This is where our species is headed…

This is the arc of human evolution…

This is HumanSpirit.  And our time is NOW.




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We’re about a Living Path not Perfection

“Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in....” - Leonard Cohen


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courtesy Leslie Carol Botha blog